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Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 11:06pm

Wizard (Level 2) Hope Divari

Name Hope Divari

Position Warlock

Rank Wizard (Level 2)

Character Information

Gender Female
Race Tiefling
Class Warlock
Background Haunted One

Appearance, Attack, Defense

Height 5 ft 1 in
Weight 120
Age 25
Hair Color Blue
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Hope tends to stand out in a crowd. She is short for a tiefling (5'1" not including horns), with blue skin, curly blue hair, a long tail, and a pair of horns at her temples. She usually wears practical leather armor. On her right forearm is a silver gauntlet with an eyeball-sized inset stone that varies in color from clear to blood red. Sometimes the gauntlet takes the form of a bracelet, though Hope cannot remove it in either form.

Her demeaner is generally friendly but cautious. Hope's tail gives away her emotions to the observant, for example wrapping around one leg when she's nervous, or lashing behind her when she's excited. Hope smiles easily, but her pointed-canine grin is reserved for people with whom she feels comfortable.
Hit Points Maximum 17
Current Hit Points 17
Armor Class 12
Spellcasting Ability cha
Spell Attack Bonus 5
Spell Save DC 13
Attack and Spellcasting Info May I come back to this?
Saving Throw Proficiencies CHA, WIS


Strength 8
Strength Modifider -1
Dexterity 12
Dexterity Modifier +1
Constitution 14
Constitution Modifier +2
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 13
Wisdom Modifier +1
Charisma 17
Charisma Modifier +3


Acrobatics (Dexterity) +1
Animal Handling (Wisdom) +1
Arcana (Intelligence) +2
Athletics (Strength) -1
Deception (Charisma) +5
Insight (Wisdom) +1
Intimidation (Charisma) +3
Investigation (Intelligence) +2
Medicine (Wisdom) +1
Perception (Wisdom) +1
Performance (Charisma) +3
Persuasion (Charisma) +5
Religion (Intelligence) +2
Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) +1
Stealth (Dexterity) +1
Survival (Wisdom) +3


Weapons Proficiencies Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
Armor Proficiencies Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Languages Known Common, Elvish, Infernal, Sylvan
Proficiency Bonus +2


Current Inventory still working this out. Leather armor and a magic sword from the table to start with...
Money ?


Cantrips Known Booming Blade
True Strike
Level 1 Spells Known Mage Armor - cast at will without expending spell slot (Hex Warrior)
Hellish Rebuke
Protection from Evil and Good
Expeditious Retreat


Racial Traits Darkvision - see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.
Hellish Resistance - to fire damage.
Infernal Legacy - Thaumaturgy cantrip.
Class Traits Otherworldly Patron - Hexblade
Pact Magic - cast known warlock spells using CHA as spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 13, Spell Attack +5).
Hexblade’s Curse - once per short rest, as a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 ft. to curse it for 1 minute. Against the cursed target, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls, score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and you regain 5 HP if it dies.
Hex Warrior - proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons. With pact weapon can use CHA modifier for attack and damage rolls.
Eldritch Invocations -
- Armor of Shadows - cast mage armor on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.
- Beguiling Influence - proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills.
Background Traits Haunted One
Heart of Darkness
Languages - Elven, Sylvan


Personality Traits Hope refuses to be a victim and will not allow others to be victimized.
Ideals Hope tries to help those in need, no matter the personal cost
Bonds Hope accepts that she may have sacrificed her soul to protect the innocent and people she loves, and she would do it again.
Flaws Hope has pledged herself to a mysterious spirit, her warlock patron, that calls itself Snaga and desires blood.


Personal History Hope grew up in Larksdale, a human farming village. She was raised by her adoptive mother Delnoch Divari, a retired Paladin of Torm, god of courage and self-sacrifice.

Delnoch found Hope along the road between Larksdale and the city of Runswick, on her return home after a visit to the temple of Torm in Runswick. The tiefling child was about four years old, hungry, filthy, and unable to convey how she came to be abandoned there. Delnoch took the traumatized child with her and settled in Larksdale. Hope blossomed under Delnoch's loving care.

Delnoch educated Hope, shared her faith in Torm, and taught Hope the basics of handling a blade. Despite her fiendish tiefling heritage, Hope was accepted by the Larksdale villagers, all of whom she loved like an extended family.

When Hope was twenty-two, she accompanied Delnoch on the week-long journey to Runswick, along with a family of traders from their village. At the temple of Torm in Runswick, Hope's petition to train at the temple as a Cleric was denied.

On the return journey home, Hope and her companions were attacked by bandits. Desperately searching for a weapon, she found a shining gauntlet with a glittering inset stone. When she touched it, Snaga the spirit inhabiting the artifact, offered her a bargain: Serve it and gain its help to save her mother and friends, or refuse its bargain and perish with those she held dear.

Snaga kept its promise, but Hope soon realized her peaceful village would not be safe if she stayed. Hope set out on her own and became a wandering adventurer for hire.

Three years later, Hope's travels brought her to the town of Fairfell.