Tour - How Combat Works
Additional Information
Description | If you have played D&D before, you should find this mostly intuitive. Players will roll with the dice bot their attack (with a weapon or a spell, with appropriate modifiers). The DM will inform the group about the Armor Class they must tie or beat with their role, so they can roll damage (if a hit) and write the battle scene without waiting for the DM to reply. We will NOT be using Initiative. Because not everyone is able to hit tags in a timely manner, we don't want to wait for one specific person to write before the next one. We will however make sure everyone gets a chance to write an attack before the next turn. If one remaining person is holding up the writing, the DM reserves the right to have them do something innocuous (e.g. hide, look for their weapon, look in a spell book, etc.) so the action can move forward. Players are responsible for keeping track of their Hit Points and Spell Slots. Max hit points will be amended every level up, and current hit points (including temporary ones) will be modified during combat. |