
Side Quest: Warehouse Worries, Part 1

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 9:55am by Dungeon Master God-Emperor Taral & Fighter (Level 2) Jaene of Saint Clair & Priest (Level 2) Alden Mourningstar & Wizard (Level 2) Galen Inani & Wizard (Level 2) Hope Divari & Priest (Level 2) Leslie Aryz & Thief (Level 2) Jandon Sunbranch & Thief (Level 2) Alicea of Reneau

Mission: The Missing
Location: Unnamed Logging Town

The party arrived at the logging town on schedule and were happy to find a surprisingly busy community. They showed up at the town gate just as a score of lumberjacks, no two alike, returned from a long day. They spoke in low voices as they split up. Some went to different buildings, their homes presumably, but more than a few went into a larger building.

The tavern, they collectively assessed. Where better a place to start?

As the strangers approached, a few milling townsfolk noticed them and started talking amongst themselves, eyeing the newcomers. Some pointed.

“Oh no,” Alden said to himself. “Team, this place might not be as safe as we thought.” Were they plotting to do something to them? Would the party be wiped because Alden thought this place might be a good spot to sleep? Not good.

Alicea listened carefully and heard the same murmurs, then glanced around and back at her companions. Hero of Plumblosson? She's never heard of the place, though even as a bard, that wasn't all that abnormal. No one knew the stories of everywhere and she hadn't been all that many places. But one of their company?

Leslie bounced up and down as she wove her way throughout the group, "Didja hear that Alicea? Some of them were back there when you were singin' and they really liked it!" Her ears nearly twitched at the voices and she hopped up and waved at the townsfolk as they pointed towards them, "Maybe we could get some coin if you were to give a performance here?"

Hope hung back cautiously. She tried to perceive the intent of the people in this mining village toward them, but was unable to pick up on any cues. From what he said, Alden seemed to share her trepidation. Snaga crept into Hope's thoughts with greedy anticipation that she might call upon the hexblade to draw blood, but Hope shushed the spirit. According to their leader Leslie, these villagers had heard Alicea singing in Fairfell and might like another bardic performance. "So, Leslie, do you think we – all of us – are welcome here?"

Jandon stayed with this group. After all they may be on the same trail that he was. He was still unsure about any of the others, but he was sure he could not do this alone.

"Those four over there were discussing Pearlfall," Galen said to Alden, quietly. "I've been through there; it's a rather peaceful land, at least where I was. That may be a good sign."

"It is," Jaene said, nodding. "Alicea and I were there not too long ago. Like Leslie said, it seems people heard her and liked her singing. Who wouldn't?" She looked to Alden. "Look, I'm going into the tavern. And you owe me so you'd better come too, if only to watch my back." She looked to the rest of the party now. "Coming?" She led the way into the obvious tavern building, with a sign that read THE PINING JACK.

Alden let out a sigh and followed suit. The Ranger was right. No matter how bad he felt at the moment, he did owe her. And if things did go sideways, he should be there for it.

The inside layout was typical. A wooden bar along one wall. Tables and chairs filling the rest of the space. About half the chairs were filled with lumberjack-looking types, enjoying a cool ale after a long day. A barmaid and a pair of wait staff were keeping things working like clockwork.

"Visitors!" called out a waitress. "Come, find a seat and be welcome!"

Leslie didn't answer Hope's question, adding to the tiefling's trepidation, but she followed the group into the tavern. The waitress' welcome was friendly, encouraging Hope to speak to her. "I'd like a pint of ale and a healthy serving of whatever that delicious, savory smell coming from the kitchen may be. I'd hazard to guess that my companions would like the same." She looked to the others for confirmation and to Leslie to choose a vacant table for their group.

There was a perfect table, with just enough chairs for the party and near enough for the hearth for some warmth on a cooling night. A number of heads nodded along with Hope's suggestion for ale and food as they took their seats. And as they were getting comfortable, the barmaid came back with flagons of ale for all.

"I have permission to offer these in trade of service instead of coin," she said as she started setting the drinking vessels down in front of patrons. "The proprietor has need of adventurers this night to solve a problem in his storage warehouse next door. Address the issue and your food, drink, and lodging at the inn down the street will be covered."

Alden smiled and let out a chuckle. "So you just need some help? You're not going to kill and eat us?" he joked.

Galen snorted a laugh and covered it quickly with a cough.

That prompted a laugh from the barmaid. "Kill the Hero of Plumblossom? Or the Bard of Pearlfall? Or a member of the Order of the Ascendant Dragon? Or other clearly well traveled and experienced adventurers? We're not that backward a people, friends! We don't get many visitors but the ones we get do leave rested and happy."

It had not occurred to Hope that these villagers might eat them. Where had Alden traveled to even think of that as a joke? Or, perhaps he was attempting to flirt with the barmaid – that made more sense. The tieflling looked around, appreciating the locals' lumberjack physiques. Logging trees was hard, manual labor, and it showed. Hope asked the barmaid, "Is the Pining Jack's proprietor here? What sort of help do they need?"

"Definitely not a good idea to attempt to attack one of the Order of the Ascendant Dragon." Leslie growled even as Alicea appeared to preen at being recognized from Pearlfall, but the grumble fell short as her stomach sounded loud enough to overshadow her words and attitude.

"Here he is now," she said, gesturing to a human coming out from behind the bar. "I'll bring you those meals. He'll be right over." She left the table, said a few words to the proprietor, and disappeared into a back room.

The man joined the party at their table. "So Lyssa tells me that you were willing to help me out. Well, the name's Jack and something dark's taken over my warehouse. It's where we keep our ingredients, our barrels, our extra furniture, everything I need to keep this place and my inn running. Last week I opened the door to find everything covered in vines. My staff and I cut it back but then the next day it was all back. We had one of the woodcutters help us two days ago and I kid you not a vine stole his good ax. I need good people to solve this problem properly for me. And in return I can offer free food and lodging while you're here. We don't get many visitors so the inn is basically empty. You'd each get a comfortable, warm bed, hot dinner and breakfast, and all the ale you can drink. Just please get me my warehouse back."

"For all the ale I can drink?" This time the exuberance in Leslie's voice was obvious, "And a nice warm bed? Tell you what, you've got me for sure!" She smiled broadly and raised a hand as if in blessing, "May Bahamut bless you and this endeavor, good sirrah, so it can be profitable to us all!"

"Given how much you can drink, it may not be profitable for him," Galen said, quietly.

"After traveling all day from Fairfell, perhaps it will be best if we eat a good meal now, and drink in moderation until after we resolve the problem, Leslie?" said Hope. "If we must confront something dangerous, it seems sobriety would be prudent."

To Alden who seemed to be a druid, Hope said, "Vines are plants, even if they are affected by magic, right? And plants are affected by sunlight." Turning back to Jack the tavern owner she asked, "Have you noticed a difference in the, uh… behavior of the vines in the daytime versus at night?"

Alden withheld his reaction to Leslie's exuberance, but nodded to what Hope was suggesting. "It's a good question. And does the warehouse have any windows or other light sources inside?"

The bar owner thought for a moment. "The warehouse has a few windows to the outside, open to the air but caged so people can't get in and steal. The vines completely block the windows and it does look like they're growing more in the day than at night. We tried cutting them back at the windows and they grow back quickest there. We tried barricading the windows and the vines pushed the barricades out."

"Then they are either not truly plants, or they are sustained from an energy within the building," Galen said. "Remove that source, they should wither quickly without sunlight and without their source."

"So we should act tonight," Alden suggested. "After we eat, as Hope suggested." It was perfect timing, as the barmaid returned with bowls of a hearty stew for each of them.

"But I wouldn't overeat." Alicea gently pointed out, "Too-full stomachs and lots of exercise don't mix very well." She gave a soft smile, "But yes, tonight for sure."

"Agreed," said Galen. "Let us hope, however, that the vines do not throw their new ax at us."

Jandon nodded. He wasn't sure if he wanted to take on other quests. But he guessed he would need these people, so staying was important.

And so they set about eating their fill, but not to excess, in order to best prepare for their upcoming job.


Skill Check Results

Alden Perception:
Nat 1

Alicea Perception:

Leslie Perception:
18 + 2 = 20

Hope Perception:
2 + 1 = 3

Jandon preception:

Galen Perception:

Jaene Perception:
12 + 4 = 16

Leslie Intimidation
4 + 3 = 7

Leslie Religion Check:
3 + 3 = 6


