
Play Frequency
-Players are expected to log in and tag at least every few days and at absolute minimum once per week.
-If you think you'll be unable to reliably address your tags for a period (e.g. holiday, illness, life getting very busy, etc) please do not hesitate to contact the DM. This is a game. Real life comes first.


-Always be respectful when dealing with other Players. This is a game for all.
-Any harassing/aggressive behaviour will that is reported will be dealt with by the DM.
-Please feel free to approach the DM with any questions or comments about the sim or their characters. Ideas are welcome.

Character Creation

-Players are not required to own any D&D material to play (though an understanding of the game does help). All information needed for character creation and play can be found here.

-All characters should be prepared as if they are Level One (note: this will change as the game progresses, check with the DM first).

-Characters should be prepared as if they were a typical Dungeons and Dragons (5th Edition) character. This includes selecting a Race, a Class, and a Background.

-You will assign numbers to your character's various ability scores. Use the Standard Array, meaning assign the values 15, 13, 12, 11, 10, and 8 to your abilities (before adding racial bonuses). These numbers translate to bonuses (Ability Modifiers) in the following manner:
18-19 = +4
16-17 = +3
14-15 = +2
12-13 = +1
10-11 = 0
8-9 = -1
6-7 = -2
And so on.

-Your class and background give you proficiencies in certain skills. The relevant (marked) Ability Modifier is used for your Skills. If you have Proficiency, add +2 on top of your Ability Modifier for that score.

-Prepare a backstory for your character. Whether they are native to the Kingdom of Pegasus Falls or come from a land far away, that is up to you. It ends with the character ending up in the town of Fairfell, permitting them to join the Party.


-Most gameplay is Narrative. Write what your character is doing or saying, like you would for any sim.
-You are encouraged to identify moments where an Ability Check or Skill Check are appropriate. The DM may identify them for you too. Checks are conducted in the sim's discord.
-Respect the Dice. If you self-identify when to do a check, be reasonable about the assigned Difficulty, and write the reaction appropriately. If you roll a 5, don't write that you succeed. You didn't.

Content Guidelines

RPG Rating 2 2 3

Pegasus Falls is rated 223 under the RPG Rating System. This means:

Language: Swearing is permitted, with some limitations.
Sex: Sexual content is permitted, with some limitations.
Violence: Explicit violence is permitted.

Pegasus Fleet Rules

The above rules are in addition to the rules and regulations of Pegasus Fleet, of which Pegasus Falls is a member.