
Morning Shopping Before New Quests

Posted on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 9:04am by Dungeon Master God-Emperor Taral & Fighter (Level 2) Jaene of Saint Clair & Priest (Level 2) Alden Mourningstar & Wizard (Level 2) Galen Inani & Priest (Level 2) Leslie Aryz & Thief (Level 2) Jandon Sunbranch & Thief (Level 2) Alicea of Reneau

Mission: The Missing
Location: Fairfell

Before everyone had gone to bed, they had made an agreement: get up when you wanted, spend the morning resupplying, but at high sun, meet in the town square. They worked well together and there was still time before Alicea needed to be in Silkspell.

Jaene and Alicea had woken up early. The soft bed of the tavern’s inn room that held them both was comfortable but they had much to do in town, so the Water and Air Genasi quietly got dressed, had breakfast, and left. Jaene, still feeling a bit bad for nearly killing the Druid, left enough coin that their two adventuring companions could eat before they did their shopping.

Alden Mourningstar woke not to any noise, but to the most pleasant of sensations.

It wasn't something she'd specifically learned, aside from experimenting with one of the townsboys over the last couple of years, but with her mouth full, it was her bright eyes that spoke to him, questioning whether he was enjoying himself at the moment.

Alden’s eyes drifted open to see what Leslie was doing and he grinned. Those eyes communicated volumes and he read and understood it all. He quickly looked around and saw that they were alone. Still, they were in a place of business, and realistically the Bar Maid might come up to start cleaning any time, especially if she heard people and knew everyone was awake.

After running his fingers through her gorgeous red hair and enjoying himself just a moment longer, he cocked his head, gesturing for her to come up.

Leslie obeyed the suggestion, crawling up him completely naked and kissing him deeply for a brief moment, "I didn't think you'd mind, not with those two having left already." She whispered loudly to him, "I secured the door, too, so no one would walk in on us."

“I’ve always said,” Alden said, interrupted by another deep kiss, “that Monks were,” another kiss, “such good forward thinkers.” He expertly rolled while staying in the same place, so he was on top and they remained in the centre of the bed and began kissing her neck. She seemed to enjoy that the previous night.

Leslie moaned at the ministrations, a bit surprised at his move, but not at all disappointed. He'd proven the previous evening to be quite good at what he did. "Most people say that.. Mmmmm, Monks are required to be celibate. It's bullshit, of course." She squirmed as his fingers moved down the front of her body, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing his face to her breasts, "But enough talk..."

"I've said too much already," Alden agreed as he began making certain that Leslie enjoyed herself....


Fairfell had a fair number of shops, enough that they could get what they needed. Jaene had 29 gold pieces in her pouch and a broken bow across her back. “I need to stop at a weaponsmiths,” she told Alicea. “Anywhere you want to stop?”

"I've got absolutely nothing I really need." Alicea smiled at Jaene as she clasped onto her arm, "You had a rather bad day yesterday, but I had a pretty good one overall. I really do feel sorry for Leslie, though, she... Got the worst of all worlds, it seems. I think your bow is the main thing that we need to get taken care of, plus, we do now have plenty of coin. I wasn't expecting anything when we got into town, but still, I'm grateful to Alden for speaking on our behalf to the guard captain. I was wondering, though, if this place had somewhere that a humble singer could perform, gratis of course, just for the love of the song."

“I’m sure there is,” Jaene said, moved by her partner’s kindness and passion for her art. “Probably in the town square. Oh here, look.”

The town square had shops along all four sides, and a big open plaza. Currently it had a few merchants with fresh fruit and bread. Someone was starting to slow-grill what looked like chicken meat ahead of lunch. Plenty of space for a musician to sit or stand and play for the townsfolk.

“I’ll meet you back out here,” Jaene said. She kissed Alicea on the cheek and went into the shop marked WALDO’S WEAPONS.

Alicea grinned and pulled out her flute, a magical item that she'd picked up for quite literally a song and released it into the air where it floated and followed her. Having been attuned to it, she was able to control it and the air and keys with barely a thought. "Twas a long night in the woods, where the critters romped and they could..." She began to sing as she started an elegant dance as a performer would. It was a song of her own making, with a bright jaunty tune.

The music followed Jaene into the shop, but was mostly drowned out when she closed the door. A tall man behind the wooden counter was sharpening a sword when she came in. He set it out and gave her his attention. “I take it you’re Waldo?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” the lanky weaponsmith replied. “What can I do for you, Ranger?”

She put her bow on the counter, snapped string and warped frame clear to see. “I can’t even believe it happened. I maintain this beauty, I really do, but I drew back to take out a harpy that was threatening people and the string snapped on me. Almost took my eye out, it did. And the arrow missed and almost went and impaled a Druid!”

“Well, I can re string that for you,” Waldo offered. “Sharpen your dagger too, and give it a good polish. Can’t do much with a quarterstaff though. Looks like it’s in good shape though. Does five silver sound good?”

“Perfect,” Jaene agreed, setting her dagger on the table. “I’ll look around.” She started browsing Waldo’s other merchandise while he worked.

Alicea had drawn several residents of the town as she sang and danced in the middle of the square, the flute transitioning from one tune to another as she cast Prestidigitation to add a wind element to her performance. Her new song was more a mournful tale of Ravist the Red, a sorcerer who grew more and more powerful before his famous fall in the far east. He was now used as a warning tale for those who grew too powerful too quickly. The dance was slower now, with wider motions and steps.


The party members went about their business, with Leslie finding exactly what she needed from a local merchant, while Aldon met up with Jaene at the druid supply shop.


As the sun reached its high point in the sky, Alden Mourningstar and Jaene of Saint Clair found their way to a highly visible spot in the town square. It had been a productive shopping trip for the two of them, having met by coincidence in a survival gear shop. Jaene's bow was fixed and her dagger sharp. Both were well stocked for the trip.

Alicea's music could still be heard in the air. Jaene knew she would be finished soon. She recognized the song. One of her favourites.

"My beating heart is burning on, And as it races I realize, There's no doubt, not one doubt, As I make my wish and let it cry out!" Alicea finished her song, having added her yarting to the musical mix, along with the flute and her voice. She riffed the final chords of her song and it faded out, the flute returning to her as she ended her performance.

There was applause as she stood from where she'd finally perched on the edge of the fountain and gave a flourishing curtsey first one way and then the other. and even Leslie had stopped to listen after she'd stopped back by the inn. "You're really good, you know that?"

Alicea grinned widely at the compliment from the young monk and gave her a private curtsey, "I've been singing for the last few years, one of the things I'm pretty good at. I don't write all of my own songs, but I do tend to practice quite a bit. Now, I believe our companions are waiting for us." She waved once more to the crowd that had started to disperse already before gesturing widely towards Alden and Jaene for Leslie, walking next to her even as she put her instruments away, "That's a lovely outfit by the way."

"Thanks." Leslie smiled lightly, tugging down on the hem of the tunic, enhancing her cleavage just that little bit more as they approached the other pair, "Heya guys, how did YOUR shopping trip go? I got myself some new clothes as you can see!"

“They look fantastic!” Jaene answered, coming alongside Alicea and giving her a peck on the cheek. “What do you think?”

Alden barely heard the question. He could not take his eyes off her chest. And he was not subtle about it. His mouth fell open slightly, making the look all the more undignified.

“I think Mr. Mourningstar likes the outfit,” Jaene teased. She wasn’t over what he did at the shop, so a bit of ribbing was due. “Wipe your lip, dear,” she told him and then turned back to Alicea. “He did help me get some things though.”

Leslie brushed her hair back in amusement at the look Alden was giving her. It was precisely the intention she’d had and it was good to know that her plans were well in play. “You did that on purpose.” Alicea whispered with amusement into Leslie’s ear, making a note of it to do for Jaene at some point.

“Glad to find you here.” The Town Guard who had given them their first quest was there, clutching a scroll, keeping an eye to the sky. “I’ve got someone coming who needs help. Think you can stick around a moment to hear them out?”

Leslie turned towards the guard and smiled, “Of course we are! We’re all eager to get going on another quest, this last one makes me feel stronger already!”

Suddenly, a shadow grew over them as something in the air blotted out the sun over the party. The shadow resolved into something noble and awe-inspiring, a bright white Pegasus, being ridden by an Elf man in the ceremonial armor of the Pegasus Guard, the elite force of the Queen and her Kingdom. It drew the rapt attention of the entire crowd.

The four feet of the magnificent Pegasus settled onto the ground. It folded its wings away and its rider stepped down to the ground. He bowed to the crowd as they applauded his grandiose entrance.

"Good morning, Roderick," he said to the Town Guard. "This is the party your messenger spoke of?" The Town Guard -- Roderick, apparently -- nodded. "Hail and well met, Friends of the Kingdom. I am Ailen Waeslynn, Captain of the Guard of Clearcoast, and I have need of your services."

“And we have need of your gold!” Leslie responded with a bit of a chuckle, whether it was the truth or just a joke gone bad, who knew? “But seriously, I’m Leslie Aryz, and this is Alden Mourningstar, the leader of our party.” She wisely didn’t take the mantle of leadership although something inside her wanted it badly, “What can we help you with, Captain Waeslynn?”

Leader of the party seemed a bit excessive a description, but Alden decided not to question it for now. They were equals, in his mind, but he supposed someone needed to be the person who was seen to take decisions. He stood beside Leslie and nodded, eager to hear the brief.

The Captain looked to the assembled adventurers and began to explain.

"Throughout the kingdom, villages and towns have reported kidnappings. Children, infants, really. At first they seemed isolated; there were never more than one or two a night, in different villages across the land, and with no regard to race, but we think it's because they were simply spread out. Three nights ago, the Queen sent Pegasus Guards to each town and take reports back so we could see how widespread the problem truly was. In that one night there were ninety-two infants taken."

"Oh," Alden said, saddened but also intrigued. "That many?"

Captain Waeslynn nodded somberly. "That's scattered mostly perfectly evenly across every place we sent a Guard. Not only in Pegasus Falls, but in Kiniel and even across the sea in Vragon. The Queen is tasking high level mages and investigators to look into this, but the kingdom is too large. We are looking for adventurers who can investigate more locally. I'd like you to journey to Clearcoast, it's a two day journey from here. Speak with the people whose kids were taken, look for clues the constabulary are not trained to, look in the wilds. Do what adventurers do, I suppose. There is gold in it simply for helping, and more still for finding good leads."

Alden thought about it for a moment. He knew they had to help, but how easily could they help? What could they accomplish?

"We'll need to bring on some more people," he said.

"Yes, definitely," Jaene added. "Especially since I don't know how long Alicea and I can stay with you. Eventually we'll need to part ways, but I'm sure we can push off our departure a little bit."

Leslie gave the other two a side-eyed glance, "We could do it ourselves." She said brashly, "No need to share the reward with others if we don't have to." It wasn't a real attempt to convince the others to do it alone, but just her default setting: Fewer people meant more gold, more gold was one goal of dragonkind whose culture she had been steeped in growing up.

For her part, Alicea looked more than a little distressed at the thought of so many children being taken in the night. "Certainly we can stay for longer, Jaene, The others won't mind if we're a little late?" Her voice had lowered by the end, "We have to do what we can when we can, especially in this case." One of the downsides of her lifestyle and proclivities was that she herself was unlikely to have any children which ironically made her more sensitive to problems where they were concerned.

Alden looked around the town square. Was there anyone else who looked like the adventurer type? Surely anyone with an inclination toward adventure will have watched the arrival of the Pegasus Guard and paid attention to the conversation.

Jandon had been nearby. He had done a sweep of the town and found nothing. A guard or two didn't know either. He had just been near the main hub of town, trying ro blend into the background. The flying mount pulled him closer and with what the man had said made him want to help. Afterall their quest may connect to his.with his skill, hiding was easy. Plus his size helped.

A robed figure stood still as a tree in a breezeless forest, watching the gathering, unnoticed by those around him as he blended into the background. While outwardly he didn't react to hearing the tragedies befalling children in the kingdom, inside, his blood surged in his ears. He kept his own counsel, however, and began to hum a tuneless melody to himself, the sound reverberating off of the hood surrounding his head and helping to block out the oppressive noise of the populace. He then made his way through the crowd, eager to leave the populated square.

Alicea hopped up onto the edge of the fountain nimbly, balancing on the thin retaining wall almost as if she belonged there in the air, then spun to face the gathering, "We are forming a party to investigate the disappearance of the Kingdom's children! If there is anyone brave and dedicated enough to join us, now would be the time! The cause is worthy, the goal is clear and we shall succeed!" She put a lot of warmth and confidence in her words, almost like a performance, but completely true.

Jandon figured it would be best to tag along. This way he had backup. "I'll join you." He said, removing his hat as he walked up to them. He added as he got closer. "And just for a portion of any treasure we may find.'

Leslie's eyes opened wide as the ethereal looking figure spoke eloquently and decisively and she stared slack-jawed in awe at her performance. "Me too!" She cried out loudly, reaching up towards the bard. All thoughts of the reward of gold had fled her mind, she just wanted to join this person on whatever quest she wanted and saving children was as good as any.

Unfortunately, her step forward brought her directly in Galen's path, just as he crossed her. He'd accounted for the movement of those around him, but hadn't counted on someone blindly walking forward without caution. They tumbled to the ground and he landed uncomfortably on his quarterstaff. He grunted and pulled himself to his feet, adjusted his pack, then stooped down and lifted the women up as well. "Are you harmed?" he said.

Leslie had managed to keep her face from slamming into the ground by throwing her hands out in front of her. She accepted the help up and her head cleared somewhat from the Bardic influence and she gave a bit of a smile up at him, "Thanks, no, I'm good. I've got a tough skin, lots of experience with things like this." She adjusted her tunic again to make sure it hadn't gotten dirty.

"Good," he said, then looked at her again. "Nice tunic." His robe disheveled and his hood down, he was no longer ignoring those around him and suddenly heard a voice calling to him. He turned and saw a golden-haired vision calling for help, and what's more, she was asking to help solve the very problem he'd been angered by. Someone who understands, he thought. "I will join you," he said, staring at her with unusually rapt attention.

"Alright then," Alden, the apparent leader of the party, said party members old and new. "Let's gather any last minute supplies and meet at the main gate at high sun. Let's save some kids."


Check Results:

Leslie Persuasion:
12 + 3 = 15

Leslie and Alden Stealth Check:
Leslie: 12 + 2 = 14
Alden (Advantage): 14 (discarded 10) + 2 = 16

Alicea Performance Check:
18 + 4 = 22

Alden Stealth (composure) Check:
Nat 1

Number of kidnapping victims (1d100):

Jandon Stealth check

Galen Stealth check
15 + 0 =15

Alicea Wisdom check:
9 : Fail (barely)

Alicea Dexterity Check (hopping up onto the edge of the fountain)
15 + 2 = 17

Alicea Charisma Check (Speaking To Interested Parties To Recruit Them)
19 + 2 = 21

Jandon Charisma saving throw

Leslie Charisma Saving Throw:
6 + 2 = 8

Galrn Charisma Saving Throw:
2 + 5 = 7

Leslie Acrobatics Check(to avoid falling flat on her face)
11 + 2 = 13


